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7 Reasons to Consider Puppy Socialisation

puppy socialisation

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Good dog owners know that a healthy diet, exercise and lots of love are crucial to the wellness of their pets. However, there’s one important thing to remember when caring for your pup, make sure you’re socialising them properly.

You may think this isn’t a big deal, but poorly socialized dogs are risks to the families that care for them as well as others. It can also be difficult for kennels or veterinarians to watch and appropriately care for non-socialised pups. But that’s not all (more on this below).

What is Dog Socialisation?

Dog socialisation might be a new concept for their owners, whether they’ve had a dog for a while or are just starting. This is why it is highly discouraged to lock your dog in a dog crate for a long period of time. They live to socialise!

In short, socialising your dog means helping them become adjusted to the world, both inside and outside of your home.

This means you’ll expose them to many different sounds, experiences, places, people, animals and anything else they’re bound to experience at some point in their lives.

Many people assume that dogs will be socialized on their own, but for dogs that aren’t around people very often or other dogs, it’s important to go out of your way to make sure your dog has these experiences at a young age. If you’re planning on getting a new cat, here’s how you introduce them to your dog.

It’s clear that socialized pups are much healthier and happier overall, but when should the dog socialization process take place? It is possible to teach some socialization later in life, but the early puppy years are crucial.

Research shows that the first 3-4 months of a dog’s life are when they are easiest to teach and are learning what it means to be a dog. This is the ideal time to start socializing your puppy, as they can start learning as early as just a few weeks old. Watch the video by ThatDogGeek explaining the most important thing to teach a puppy… socialisation.

A dog that is socialized properly from this early age will grow into a much healthier and happier adult. Timing is critical but so is the pace you take with your puppy. Patience is always key when dealing with young dogs. Just like training, socialisation shouldn’t be rushed and don’t get frustrated if it looks like your dog isn’t responding. What’s the easiest way to do it? Enroll your pup into your local doggy daycare.

Take your time exposing your pup to new things and make sure your pockets are always stuffed with treats to make it a positive experience.

Benefits of Socialising Your Pup

Raising a puppy is a fun and exciting challenge, and it can be even more fun if your dog is properly socialised. There are many benefits to acquainting your dog with your home and the outside world. Here are seven positive things you’ll notice from socialising your dog:

1. Social Dogs are Easier to Groom

Ask any groomer, and they’ll tell you: anxious dogs aren’t fun to groom and they also make things much for dangerous for themselves. Proper grooming is an important aspect of every dog’s life. Most breeds require precise grooming to make sure their coat and skin are healthy. However, non-socialised dogs become anxious around groomers and often refused to be touched. This could put the health of your dog in jeopardy.

2. Socialising Dogs Means More Playtime & Exercise

If you have a poorly socialized dog, that could mean you’re less likely to want to bring them outside to get proper training.

It can also limit where you can bring your dogs since you’re likely to run into other animals on a walk or in the park. Getting them acquainted with the outdoors is crucial, even if they’re lapdogs who prefer to stay inside. Do not train a dog in a park.

3. Social Dogs Have Less Fear & Anxiety

The root of many problems that poorly socialized dogs face is an overload of fear and anxiety. Like humans, dogs will fear what is unfamiliar to them. If your dog is always hiding, there is a problem. This is why it’s crucial to introduce them to as many different dogs, humans, other animals, sights, sounds and smells while they’re young enough to remember them. If you don’t introduce them to new things, you’ll have a dog that is constantly barking.

4. Socialising Dogs Help with Veterinary Exams

Just like the groomer, vet exams often require hands-on treatment that can cause dogs anxiety. While no dog enjoys a trip to the veterinarian’s office, dogs that are used to being in new places won’t be as anxious as poorly socialised dogs.

Thorough vet checkups are essential to the health of your pup, and a vet can’t do its job if there’s a risk of the dog shaking, biting or otherwise refusing to let the vet do its job.

5. Decreases the Risk of Running Away

Anxious and non-socialised dogs also pose a higher risk of running away from home. When a skittish dog encounters something they’re not used to, they’re likely to bolt, even if that means escaping the comforts of home. The last thing you want is to lose your pet, so it’s important to get them accustomed to their surroundings.

Bonus tip: If you have the resources, get another dog. A single dog with no exposure to other dogs may have an adverse impact on their personality development. Not to mention, having two dogs will be enough to keep each other entertained and socialised.

6. Social Dogs Make Traveling Easier

If you travel with your dog frequently, notice how they react to the new environment. A dog that is well-socialised will also be easier to manage inside a car. So, make sure you’re taking your new puppy on plenty of car rides, whether it’s a long drive or a quick trip around the block.

Even if you live in a city environment, take your pup in a cab or other form or public transportation, so they’re used to the sensation. You never know when life may change, and the last thing you want is a middle-aged pup who refuses to ride in the car. This is how you make traveling or moving less for stressful dogs.

Also, there will probably be a time when you go on vacation and need to leave your dog with someone who will take responsibility during your absence such as a pet sitter or boarding in a kennel.

If your puppy isn’t used to being around strangers and other dogs even a short trip will be tough to manage. While it might be difficult, it’s a good idea to take a trip while they’re growing up.

When using our services to transport your beloved pup, we are trained to look after all types of dogs and can help calm them down – so you’ll know your dog is in good hands.

7. Socialise a Dog to Stop Aggression

Dogs that are exposed to different people, animals, and environments are less likely to develop aggression. One of the most common causes of dog aggression is unfamiliarity and fear. If dogs are comfortable with humans and other animals, then they are less likely to be aggressive. 

Socialising Your Dog Never Stops

Dogs are naturally social, and this never stops.

Raising a dog is rewarding, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. The good news is, there are plenty of resources to do training and socialising your dog easier. Check out our blog for more articles, tips, and resources to help every step of the way.

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